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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 8 September 2020

Hammered at

Lot Silver

Lot of silver S800 91,7g coffee spoons 6 items, 12cm, model: Thema


Estimated: 600 kr

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Lot Silver

Odd Earring S925 2,8g Efva Attling "Tears for Ears"

100 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Lot Silver

Lot of silver S800 270,4g 2 tablespoons, 1 spoon, 1 fork, 10 coffee spoons, engraved, odd modeller


Estimated: 1 800 kr

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Lot Silver

Lot of silver S925 120,5g, 6 items coffee spoons, engraved, odd model


Estimated: 900 kr

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Lot Silver

Lot of silver S800/830 26,3g defect, odd. broken, with stone


Estimated: 175 kr

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Jewellery Chain

Necklaces S925 3 items 6,9g 38-42cm, Box-chain/"curb"/unknown model


Estimated: 175 kr

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Jewellery Necklace

Necklace S925 2 items 25,2g 42-44cm, Braided


Estimated: 600 kr

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Jewellery Bracelet

Bracelet S925 3 items 12g 18-18,5cm, Box-chain/Twined


Estimated: 300 kr

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Jewellery Necklace

Necklace S925 2 items 10,5g 39-41cm

225 kr

Estimated: 275 kr

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Jewellery Ring

Ring and Pendant S925 1,5g Ø17¼, knut, Snobben

50 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Lot Silver

Lot of silver S925 30,5g defect, broken, odd


Estimated: 250 kr

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Jewellery Chain

Necklace and Bracelet S925 37,8g necklace: 44cm, bracelet:18-19cm, Bismarck, twined


Estimated: 650 kr

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Lot Silver

Commemorative coin S925 10 items 270g Astrid Lindgren, 2 items Karlsson on Taket, 2 items Pippi Långstrump, 2 items Emil i Lönneberga, 2 items Madicken, 1 items Lotta on Bråkmakargatan, 1 items Barnen i Bullerbyn, i plastfodral

1 700 kr

Estimated: 2 000 kr

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Lot Silver

Commemorative coin S925 2 items 40g Europa, Monaco and Belgique, i plastfodral

250 kr

Estimated: 300 kr

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Lot Silver

Commemorative coin S925 21,1g Sweden´s history/Carl von Linné 1707-2007, i plastfodral

150 kr

Estimated: 150 kr

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Lot Silver

Commemorative coin S925 28g Unionsupplösningen 1905-2005, 200kr, i plastfodral and case, with faktablad

225 kr

Estimated: 200 kr

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Jewellery Ring

Rings S925 4 items 17,2g Ø16-17, with stone


Estimated: 600 kr

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Jewellery Jewelry set

Set S925 16,9g necklace: 42cm, bracelet: 18cm


Estimated: 425 kr

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Jewellery Earrings

Earrings S925 3par 3,7g


Estimated: 150 kr

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Jewellery Chain

Necklaces S925 3 items 8g 34-44cm, "curb"/Box-chain/Snake chain


Estimated: 175 kr

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About the auction