Ring S925 3,4g Ø16¾ with stones
Estimated: 75 kr
Ring S925 1,8g Ø17 with stones
Estimated: 50 kr
Ring S925 3,0 Ø15¾ with stones
Ring S925 2,7g Ø17 with stones
Ring S925 2,6g Ø15¾ with stones
Ring S925 1,0g Ø18 with stones
Necklace S925 2,7g Anchor 45cm with pendant and stone
Necklace S925 2,1g Anchor 45cm with pendant
Necklace S925 2,9g Anchor 45cm with pendant and stone
Necklace S925 0,9g Anchor 45cm
Pendant S925 0,7g sjöhäst
Ring S925 1,1g skew, with stones
Necklace graduated Bismarck 18K 9,3g, defect bracelet
Estimated: 2 700 kr
Bracelet Bismarck 18K 4,2g 17,5cm
Estimated: 1 400 kr
Ring 18K 2,0g Ø15¾, with diamonds 9xca:0,01ct
Estimated: 900 kr
Pendant 18K 0,7g
Estimated: 300 kr
Necklace "curb" 18K 3,9g 39,3cm
Estimated: 1 200 kr
Ring 18K 2,9g Ø17¼, with stone
Ring 18K 4,0g Ø17¾, double-dyed with stones, scratched
Estimated: 1 100 kr
Tuesday 25 Jul 2017
Sefina Svensk Pantbelåning AB
Realtime auction