Pawn – Tuesday 9 August 2016

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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 9 August 2016

Hammered at

Porcelain Miscellaneous

Serving dish, Rörstrand, Sundborn, 31x24cm

425 kr

Estimated: 100 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Serving dish, Rörstrand, Sundborn, length 24cm

300 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Bowl, Rörstrand, Sundborn, length 16cm

125 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Coffe cups 3 items, Rörstrand, Sundborn, height 9,3cm

175 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Coffe cups with dish 6 items, Rörstrand, Sundborn, height cup 5cm

425 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Kaffekopp with 4 items dish, Rörstrand, Sundborn, height cup 5cm

225 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Art Paintings

Oil on canvas, Gusty Olsson, 52x65cm, in frame, duken klistrad on panel


Estimated: 300 kr

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Glass Miscellaneous

Vase, Ulrica Hydman Vallien, Open mind, height 26,5cm

950 kr

Estimated: 550 kr

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Ceramics Miscellaneous

Vase, height 30cm


Estimated: 125 kr

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Ceramics Miscellaneous

Figure, Royal Copenhagen, height 19,5cm

150 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Ceramics Miscellaneous

Figure, Bing & Gröndahl, height 19,5cm

225 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Ceramics Miscellaneous

Kryddburkar 3 items, Jie Grantofta, "Familjen Pepparson", height 10, 15cm, a with small notch

375 kr

Estimated: 300 kr

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Glass Miscellaneous

Glass sculpture, Kosta Boda, Gunnel Sahlin, height 23,5cm, notch on stjälk

100 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

Fönsterlampor 2 items, parkopplade, working not

50 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

Fönsterlampa with prismor, with 3 items glödlampor


Estimated: 125 kr

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Electronics Miscellaneous

Kamerastativ, Fotopro, X-4i, FPH-53P, snr.X4-0014281

375 kr

Estimated: 250 kr

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Electronics Cameras

Digital camera Nikon D80, snr.4457768, Lens Nikon DX 18-135mm, snr.2989414, missing charger and memory card

950 kr

Estimated: 1 100 kr

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Electronics Miscellaneous

Controller for Playstation 3, GameStop, in carton

75 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Electronics Miscellaneous

Head-phone, Sennheiser, HD 25-1 II

425 kr

Estimated: 300 kr

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Electronics Cameras

Digital camera Sony a5000, snr.3879316, lens Sony Selp1650, snr.3398358, with usb-cable, missing charger

1 400 kr

Estimated: 900 kr

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