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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 10 July 2012

Hammered at

Pawnitems Art

Wine glass, 1st design: Lasse Åberg, Cobra mouse, höjd: 210mm

125 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Pawnitems Art

Wine glass, 1st design: Lasse Åberg, Abstrakt mouse, höjd: 210mm

75 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Pawnitems Art

Wine glass, 1st design: Lasse Åberg, Glad mouse, höjd: 210mm

75 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Pawnitems Art

Wine glass, 1st design: Lasse Åberg, Miro mouse, höjd: 210mm

75 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Figure, Gunnar Nylund, Rörstrand höjd: 120mm, bredd: ca120mm

350 kr

Estimated: 150 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Figure, Vase, CH Stålhane, höjd: 100mm, bredd: ca100mm

550 kr

Estimated: 400 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Fishing reel, Ambassadeur 5000, in läderväska

800 kr

Estimated: 500 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Kitebräda, 1st Placebo Flow 5, 134x41, worn

175 kr

Estimated: 2 000 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Wakeboard, Obrien Wasteland2 W2/138, with wakeboardbindning. worn

700 kr

Estimated: 2 000 kr

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About the auction