Pawn – Tuesday 9 December 2008

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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 9 December 2008

Hammered at

Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K Aleppo 45cm, small dents, 18,8g

2 800 kr

Estimated: 3 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring 18K, Ø18½ with diamond approx 1,12ct enligt engraving, 12,6g


Estimated: 15 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Lot of Gold, 18K = 5 Rings, Armlänk, Pendant allt trasigt & imperfect, 26,4g


Estimated: 4 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Armlänk, 18K 18cm, 3,2g


Estimated: 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Pärlring, 18K Ø15 (grey pärla), 2,4g

450 kr

Estimated: 550 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Trillingring, 14K Ø20¼ trefärgad, 4g


Estimated: 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 14K trasig, 2,5g

250 kr

Estimated: 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ladie´s wristwatch, 14K, bracelet 18K "curb", crystal repigt, dial imperfect, working not, 12,9g btto

750 kr

Estimated: 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Signet-ring, 18K Ø18¾ with black stone, engraving, 7,1g


Estimated: 1 400 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K "curb" 58cm, 6,6g


Estimated: 1 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Lot of Gold, 18K = 2 Rings, 4 Stenringar, 3 Earrings, allt imperfect, 28,4g


Estimated: 4 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 18K Ø18, 13g

2 650 kr

Estimated: 3 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 18K Ø17½, 10,2g


Estimated: 2 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 18K Ø18, vändbar, 4,5g


Estimated: 1 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 18K Ø17½, skenan något imperfect, 2,5g

450 kr

Estimated: 475 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K white gold Ø17 with diamond approx 0,05ct enligt engraving, 1,5g


Estimated: 475 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K Ø17, 2,4g


Estimated: 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 18K & silver (925) Ø19, 9,5g btto


Estimated: 2 000 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K with white stones, 3,3g


Estimated: 750 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenringar, 3st 14K SIZE 16¾, Ø17¼, Ø18, skenor något imperfect, 10,9g


Estimated: 1 300 kr

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About the auction