Pawn – Tuesday 20 November 2007

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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 20 November 2007

Hammered at

Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K, Ankarlänk, saknar 2 låsöglor, 49,5cm, 50,6g


Estimated: 7 000 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Pendants, 18K 5 pcs of in white gold, öglorna uppklippta, 10g


Estimated: 1 800 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K 2 pair with stones 7,0g

1 050 kr

Estimated: 1 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K 1 pair, 2 som inte hör ihop, 5,4g


Estimated: 950 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K 1 pair, 2,9g

450 kr

Estimated: 550 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K 1 pair earrings, 8,2g


Estimated: 1 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 14K 1 Pair, (OBS NOT Bvlgari), 7,6

700 kr

Estimated: 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K 3 pair, one earring är damaged, 3,8g


Estimated: 650 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K, 2 Pair, 3,1g


Estimated: 550 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K white gold, missfärgad vid låset, 44,5cm, 4,0g

500 kr

Estimated: 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K with stones, (OBS NOT Bvlgari) 11,7g

1 900 kr

Estimated: 1 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, 18K, white gold, 1 låsstopp missing, 17,8g


Estimated: 3 000 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Pendant, 18K with diamonds 16xca0,01ct, 1,7g

700 kr

Estimated: 750 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Pendant, 14K with small diamonds approx 80st, (OBS NOT Bvulgari), 8,7g

2 300 kr

Estimated: 1 800 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Bracelet, 14K with platta, länken worn, 21cm, 25,8g


Estimated: 2 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Signet-ring, 18K, engraved, with black damaged stone 9,7g


Estimated: 1 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Guldparti, Necklace, Bracelet 14K 26,4g, Ring engraved 18K 3,2g


Estimated: 2 700 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Guldparti, 18K Vristlänk 25cm, Halscollier tvåfärgad 42cm 15g


Estimated: 2 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Smyckeset, 14K, Halscollier 44cm, Bracelet 19cm, 2 Earrings, allt with stones varav 1 missing, 44,6g

3 500 kr

Estimated: 3 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Signet-ring, 18K with stone damaged skena, 4,4g


Estimated: 475 kr

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