Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 29 May 2007
Hammered at
Pawnitems Misc Music
Guitar, acustic orkestergitarr Ibanez CR 100EYGS with inbyggd mikrofon, with cover
Pawnitems Misc Music
Electric guitar, Levin orkestermodell with mikrofon, slitage, skador, mikrofonen fungerar not, with cover
Pawnitems Camera
Camera, mellanformatskamera Mamiya RZ67 Pro II with lens Seiko Mamiya -Sekor 110mm 1:2,8 with bakstycke Mamiya RZ67 Pro II 120, mindre repor, not funktionsgaranti
Pawnitems Miscellaneous
Tallrikar, 12 flata förrättstallrikar Musselmalet Royal Copenhagen SIZE approx 22,5 cm
Pawnitems Miscellaneous
Takkrona, with prismor and five ljushållare, barockmodell, height approx 60cm beroende on antal links.