Pawn – Tuesday 8 March 2011

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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 8 March 2011

Hammered at

Pawnitems Gold

Ring, with engraving 18K 2g


Estimated: 475 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Pendant, 18K 0,4g

100 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Signet-ring, with diamond 1xca0,02ct dented ringshank 18K Ø17 2,9g


Estimated: 700 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, with diamonds 4xca0,005ct 18K Ø17 3,5g


Estimated: 1 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Lot of gold, with engraving 18K 5,7g


Estimated: 1 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, Bismarck graduated 18K 49,5cm 39,8g


Estimated: 9 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Signet-ring, with stone 18K Ø17¼ 2,4g


Estimated: 650 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, VG with diamonds 7xca0,005ct worn bracelet Ø17 4,1g

1 500 kr

Estimated: 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, with diamonds 22xca0,005ct and green stone 18K Ø18 3,8g

1 000 kr

Estimated: 1 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, with diamonds 10xca0,005ct and blue stone 18K Ø18¾ 3,7g


Estimated: 1 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ladie´s wristwatch, 14K bracelet 18K Bismarck 17,5cm brv 21,5g

2 500 kr

Estimated: 2 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Rings, 2st with engraving 18K 15,4g


Estimated: 3 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, Figaro 18K 54cm 18,6g


Estimated: 4 400 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, Box-chain 36cm 1 Pendant with dia 18xca0,02ct 3,9g


Estimated: 1 700 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, Ankar 18K 46cm 15,7g


Estimated: 3 700 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, white and rött gold with diamonds 70xca0,01ct 18K 46,5cm 13,8g


Estimated: 4 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Earrings, rött and white gold with diamonds 56xca0,01ct 18K 7,7g


Estimated: 3 000 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Bracelet, 18K 19cm 9,4g


Estimated: 2 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Rings, 2st 14K 6,6g


Estimated: 1 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Bracelet, Bismarck 14K 19,5cm 25g


Estimated: 4 400 kr

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About the auction