Pawn – Tuesday 2 March 2010

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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 2 March 2010

Hammered at

Pawnitems Watches

Ladie´s wristwatch, Tissot Seastar seven 18K manual, "x-link" 18K 18,5cm, 27,5g btto

3 600 kr

Estimated: 4 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Signet-ring, 18K Ø19½ with black stone, worn engraving, 9,3g


Estimated: 2 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Armlänk, 18K Bismarck 17cm, with 5 charms, 8,2g


Estimated: 1 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K vriden "curb" 37cm, 1g


Estimated: 250 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Plain Rings, 2st 18K Ø17, 19, with gravyrer, 12,3g


Estimated: 2 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Bracelet, 18K trefärgad flätad 19,5cm, 11g


Estimated: 2 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 14K Ø17 with white and blue stones a stone missing, skena imperfect, 3,9g


Estimated: 650 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Medal, 21K For long and trogen tjänst, 3,5g


Estimated: 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K "curb" 50cm, 11,3g


Estimated: 2 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K "curb" 54cm, Pendant 18K, 4,4g


Estimated: 1 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Armlänk, 18K gles "curb" 20cm, 5,1g


Estimated: 1 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Coffeespoons, 6st silver Hallbergsmodellen Kungsholm

250 kr

Estimated: 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Lot of Gold, 18K 3st Chains trasiga, 2 Plain Rings 18K with engraving, 17,3g


Estimated: 3 300 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 21K 38cm, 4,7g


Estimated: 1 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K Ø16½ with diamonds 5 x approx 0,10ct, 4,7g

3 500 kr

Estimated: 4 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K Ø19¾ with diamonds 5 x approx 0,10ct, 5,4g


Estimated: 4 100 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 14K Ø17¾, 6,7g


Estimated: 1 100 kr

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Pawnitems Watches

Ladie´s wristwatch, 18K Omega dial damaged, bracelet 18K "fishbone" 19cm with movement, 24g btto

3 000 kr

Estimated: 2 900 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K "curb" 40cm, trasig, 4,4g


Estimated: 950 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Stenring, 18K Ø15¼, 3,9g btto


Estimated: 425 kr

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About the auction